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Statton Wilson, February 2020

For two weeks I got to run the front desk at The Reed’s Lodge. My grandma is now the new General Manager, as it just changed ownership. In late december I went up, but it was just a short stay. Fast forward into January 2021, I got to go up to the lodge again for another adventure!

The Reeds Lodge is located in Springerville, Az in the white mountains. It was built in 1949to provide lodging to the travelers of the US 60 which, in its time, was the first coast to coast highway. Right now it is kind of rundown, but I think it can be one of the best hotels in the white mountains.

Running the front desk is so fun ! In the first 3 days I learned how to use the software, now checking people in, making reservations and making reservations by phone are a piece of cake. I’ve become friends with lots of the staff members. This might sound like a weird analogy, but if Reed’s lodge were to be a restaurant, it would be classified in the “Dives” category. Most of the people who stay with us are older couples, motorcycle gangs and workers from the power plant or things that are being built nearby. I really enjoy running the front desk, and I hope I can get back up there soon.

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