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Magnificent Hershey, Pennsylvania

Statton Wilson, Home School 2020-21

Have you ever heard of Hershey Park? If not, this is the place you should be! On our most recent road trip, we went to Hershey, Pennsylvania. It wasn’t our first time being there but we definitely did a lot more our second time going. We toured the candy factory and gift shop. We even went to the amusement/water-park. 

Prepare yourself, this is the boring part. Hershey has quite an interesting history. It opened in 1906, on memorial day for employees and their families to have fun boating and picnicking along the banks of the river. In 1908 they built a merry-go-round and opened to the public. Fast forward to 2007 Hershey park opened the waterpark. By 2012  they had twelve rollercoasters and recently added Candymonium. Hershey Park is full of high climbs followed by steep, scary, and extremely fun drops. It has advanced far from being just a picnic spot.


Our first stop was the candy store and gift shop. Take it back, the first thing we went to was the chocolate tour, in there we saw how the chocolate is made,  start to finish. It was really cool to see how a cocoa beans turn into a chocolate bar. From the exit of the tour, it takes you into the gift shop. Where I got a Hershey hat, and some awesome Twizzlers socks. In the gift shop, they had footballs, socks of every kind, ornaments, shirts, mugs, cups, keychains, basically if you want a souvenir they’ve got you covered.  The candy shop was really sweet. I got a bag of Paydays to give to my grandpa and 16-inch Twizzlers for me to eat!! We sure had a memorable experience.


There is a cool roller coaster called Sky Rush. It has one insane drop that is so steep it curves in! It towers at a very tall 210 feet. Another one we went on was called Fahrenheit, on the way up you are at a 90-degree angle. This roller coaster is filled with corkscrew loops that take you in a full 360 roll.  The best roller coaster is called Great Bear, it is the oldest of the big roller coasters, but my favorite. It isn’t hooked to the rails on the bottom but at the top, so your feet flop all over the place. It takes you upside down a grand total of three times and reaches 70 mph! In the waterpark section, there is a big jungle gym with water splashing all around with lots of little colorful slides that wind throughout the area. There is a big toilet bowl slide and four other slides that are all special in their own way. One of my favorite waterslides was one that was specifically made for racing. It is six slides all lined up right next to each other. In the end, you can see the race standings, how fast you went, and your time! We had a blast at the water park.

I loved going to Hershey, getting my 16-inch Twizzlers, the many roller coasters, the water park, the food, and learning how chocolate is made.

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