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Hershey Pennsylvania

Magnificent Hershey, Pennsylvania Statton Wilson, Home School 2020-21 Have you ever heard of Hershey Park? If not, this is the place you should be! On our most recent road trip, we went to Hershey, Pennsylvania. It wasn’t our first time being there but we definitely...

Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941 Statton Wilson Homeschool 2019-2020 Pearl Harbor was the catalyst to get us into World War II but first, you need to know why japan attacked us. The year is 1941 and Japan has become a serious military power. Japan is invited to the World Peace...

Arizona Indian Ruins

TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE Arizona Indian Ruins Statton Wilson, Homeschool 22 March 2016 A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to explore three different Native American indian ruins near Flagstaff, Arizona. The first ruin we visited was Wapatki National Monument...

My Thoughts On The Millionaire Next Door

TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE My thoughts on The Millionaire Next Door Statton Wilson February, 2020        Recently I read the book The Millionaire Next Door. In this book the two authors study millionaires, for example their do’s and don’ts. I definitely learned alot...

The USS Missouri

Statton Wilson For a Christmas present my family and I went to Hawai’i. While there we visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Missouri battleship. We learned a few interesting  facts about it during a tour where we were able to walk its decks and go to different places on...

Shop Class Field Trip

TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE Shop Class Field Trip Many years ago my grandpa and a man named John Drexler became business partners. Therefore, my grandpas construction company was Drexler. My grandpa built a big 5 million dollar building for John’s asphalt company, Ace...